Dr. Mike Davison's Live Your Big Picture!

Thoughts, news and reviews by Dr. Mike Davison about connecting more fully with your life's purpose.

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Location: Arlington Heights, Illinois, United States

I am Mike Davison and I am the founder of PartnersInPurpose.com. My company’s mission is to assist individuals and organizations to connect with their purpose and maximize their resources to optimize success. I am a Clinical Psychologist, organizational consultant and peak performance coach. I believe that everyone has a purpose in life. It is when people are fully connected with their purpose and are actively living it with a spirit of service and contribution that they experience the greatest sense of fulfillment. I live in the Chicagoland area with my wife of 16 years and our three amazing children.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Do you want to be an outlier?

In statistics that term means standing out. Being in the top 2%.

Malcolm Gladwell, in his newest bestselling book, Outliers, identifies many of the factors that contributes to becoming an outlier. Some of the contributing factors we don't have control over. The one we do is the amount of time we spend "practicing". He identified how real world outliers in all areas of life put in time. Gladwell identified that they all practiced their craft for more than 10,000 hours before they were recognized as exceptional performers.

So, if you want to be an outlier, you need to be willing to put in the time.

But don't just go out there and start taking action.

First get clear about what you are looking to create or achieve.

Here are some questions to ponder:

What do I want to do with my life?

What do I want to experience?

Who do I want to be?

What do I want to change or shape?

What legacy do I want to leave?

Who and how do I want to impact people?

To Your Big Deam!

Dr. Mike Davison
"Your Destiny Doctor"

P.S. If you need help pursuing your Big Dream, contact me at 847 490-7689 or mike@PartnersInPurpose.com

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Thursday, August 28, 2008

School is back in session...

My youngest child was off to his first day of Kindergarten today.

What a special day. It may be reflect on many things. One was Robert Fulghum's book "ALL I REALLY NEED TO KNOW I LEARNED IN KINDERGARTEN".

This book get me to think about my tendency to overcomplicate things at time. So my thought for you (and me) today is keep it simple, slow down, pay attention and be kind.

Here is some words directly from Robert Fulghum...

All I really need to know about how to live and what to do and how to be I learned in kindergarten. Wisdom was not at the top of the graduate school mountain, but there in the sand pile at school.

These are the things I learned:
Share everything.
Play fair.
Don't hit people.
Put things back where you found them.
Clean up your own mess.
Don't take things that aren't yours.
Say you're sorry when you hurt somebody.
Wash your hands before you eat.
Warm cookies and cold milk are good for you.
Live a balanced life - learn some and think some and draw and paint and sing and dance and play and work every day some.
Take a nap every afternoon.
When you go out in the world, watch out for traffic, hold hands and stick together.
Be aware of wonder.

Remember the little seed in the Styrofoam cup: the roots go down and the plant goes up and nobody really knows how or why, but we are all like that.

Goldfish and hamsters and white mice and even the little seed in the Styrofoam cup - they all die. So do we.
And then remember the Dick-and-Jane books and the first word you learned - the biggest word of all - LOOK.

Everything you need to know is in there somewhere. The Golden Rule and love and basic sanitation. Ecology and politics and equality and sane living.

Take any one of those items and extrapolate it into sophisticated adult terms and apply it to your family life or your work or government or your world and it holds true and clear and firm. Think what a better world it would be if we all - the whole world - had cookies and milk at about 3 o'clock in the afternoon and then lay down with our blankies for a nap. Or if all governments had as a basic policy to always put things back where they found them and to clean up their own mess.

And it is still true, no matter how old you are, when you go out in the world, it is best to hold hands and stick together.


To Your Best Life!

Dr. Mike Davison
"Your Destiny Doctor"

P.S. Are you paying attention?

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Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The Best Night's Sleep Ever - No Pills Required

If you're like most people with sleep problems, your
mind is simply overloaded with tension and strain by
the time your head hits the pillow.

You lie there trying to relax, yet you play the day's
events over and over in your mind. You dwell on money
problems. Kid problems. Marriage and relationship
problems. You can't shut off your brain and get to
sleep, no matter how hard you try ... and the frustration
mounts up.

But imagine if you could release the weight of the
world at bedtime. Automatically, too, so you don't even
give it a thought. And without taking a single pill,

Well, that day is finally here...

And I don't want you to miss out.

Today, my friend Mike Brescia of Think Right Now
International has gathered together over 105 leading
authors and experts to show you breathtaking new ways
to ease your stress, calm your mind, enjoy greater
success - including the one, best way to get the
blissful night's sleep you deserve, night after night.

Go here now to find out what's going on:
- http://www.thinkrightnow.com/cmt.asp?s=826227

Mike and the research team at Think Right Now have
just released a remarkable new program called "Tranquil
Sleep Now." But this isn't just another self-help book
or tape. It's so important - life-changing, really --
that over 100 other health and self-improvement experts
are helping them spread the word.

You see, "Tranquil Sleep Now" does what no other sleep
aid in the world can do: It corrects the root causes of
your sleeplessness, instead of just knocking you out
with brain-altering substances like drugs and herbal
supplements do.

This program has only been out a few weeks, yet Mike
has already received testimonials from dozens of people
whose sleep problems disappeared the very first night.

That's right; lifetime insomnia gone -- just like that.

It's THAT powerful.

Go here to learn what the fuss is about -- and get
access to over 105 free bonus gifts:
- http://www.thinkrightnow.com/cmt.asp?s=826227

By the way, "Tranquil Sleep Now" is NOT hypnosis or
one of those "sounds of nature" tapes. Instead, it
combines two proven mental conditioning techniques in a
unique audio format that has a remarkable track record
for success.

It breaks the chains of troubled sleep naturally by
targeting and transforming the self-defeating thoughts,
feelings, and beliefs that loom in your mind when you
go to bed.

So if you're sick and tired of waking up feeling like
you've been through an ultimate fighting match,
"Tranquil Sleep Now" guarantees a full night's sleep
every night.

No drugs. No herbs. No time investment. No ongoing costs.

You'll love it.

This program is like an audio knockout pill that trains
your mind to shut down on command so that you can fall
asleep anytime you want anywhere you want without any
strain or effort.

Please take advantage of this now before this special
is over. Check it out here - and claim your 105 free
bonus gifts, too.

- http://www.thinkrightnow.com/cmt.asp?s=826227

To the best night's sleep of your life every night,

Dr. Mike Davison
"Your Destiny Doctor"

P.S. Check it out at http://www.thinkrightnow.com/cmt.asp?s=826227

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Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Hire a coach!

You will never be enough when you are not being yourself.

That's right.

You will never be enough when you are not being yourself.

Don't settle for the half lived life.

Don't settle for a wimpy life.

Don't quell your passion.

There are consequences for going 1/2 throttle.

Don't give up on your intensity.

You see, many of us train ourselves to disconnect or disown important aspects of who we are.

We do this to fit in or not upset the apple cart or not upset others.


Being strong makes others feel strong.

Being yourself gives other people permission to be their best self.


Be yourself.

Recover your true self.

Take off the masks.

Don't hit the mute button on your life.

It's all about alignment.

Align with your nature.

Find relationships and environments where you can fully show up.

Step out of fear or limitations into your true self.

To quote Marianne Williamson...

'Your playing small does not serve the world'.

'The world needs you'.

You need you.

Have an authentic week.


Dr. Mike Davison
"Your Destiny Doctor"

P.S. Have you considered hiring a coach?

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Thursday, July 24, 2008

5 Secrets to Getting Results

Follow these guidelines and you’ll find each day more productive! You’ll be amazed at how much you begin to accomplish!

1. Set out deliberately to make every day highly productive.

Decide on one main purpose for each day. Determine that you’re going to achieve that one object above everything else. If you accomplish even one worthwhile thing each day, you’ll be inspired to keep moving ahead! And a series of successful days makes a highly productive year!

Achievement begins with a definite, written plan for each day’s work. Be strict with yourself on this one. It’s vital to your best progress.

After planning your day, start working right away with passion and excitement. Do your honest-to-goodness best. If some part of your work seems boring, put more heart and purpose into it, and you’ll be surprised at the satisfaction and motivation that’ll pop up!

2. Make the most of your opportunities each day. Whatever you do, always expect success. Make the most of your best talents.

There are opportunities all around you! Look for them. Grab them and hold on tight! Keep your eyes fixed upon one purpose, and remember that perseverance may carry you far beyond your immediate goal. It could bring you even greater success than you anticipate.

Don’t wait for your best working mood, but create it. Concentration is one of the great secrets of achievement. Apply yourself wholeheartedly to a task for one hour. You’ll accomplish more than you will from several hours of aimless effort. Get used to doing one thing at a time and to do it thoroughly.

3. Appreciate the privilege of work.

You can’t afford to take things easy while climbing the ladder of success. Don’t back up because difficulty comes knocking at your door. Move ahead. Don’t be scared of a little work. Work is the medicine of the soul. It’s more than that - it’s your very life.

You don’t need extraordinary abilities for the highest success. In most instances successful folks rise to the top by making the most of ordinary talents and opportunities. A person of average ability inspired by hard work and determination will outstrip a genius who doesn’t know where he’s headed.

4. Be courageous!

You’ll be confronted by difficulties and discouragements, but decide to be strong and focused at all times. Make yourself do the difficult things. Get them out of the way first. Your courage and motivation will grow.

5. Develop extra energy reserves.

Store up energy for future use. Now, you may wonder how you can store up what you don’t have, but you’re better equipped than you think.

At the next sign of mental or physical laziness or inclination to give up because of a challenge, try the following exercise: Stand up straight, breathe deeply, rise on your toes, and stretch your arms toward the ceiling. Repeat this several times with gusto. Shake out the lazies, and then get back to your work with renewed energy.

Change of work is restful and revs up your brain power. People don’t often break down from overwork but from lack of organization and knowledge.

Work during all the working hours of the day. Try to make every moment count. Put your whole strength and best effort into the work of the moment.

Also, make time for leisure outside of your regular business hours. Free time is actually most enjoyable when there’s plenty of hard work before and after it. Really!

Take action on these 5 steps, and you’ll find your days filled with great joy and effectiveness.

To Your Success!

Dr. Mike Davison
“Your Destiny Doctor”

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Monday, July 21, 2008

Creativity and Success

As you ponder your goal and determine the best course to achieve it, you will need some creative ways of thinking and facing challenges that will arise. The most creative-thinkers out there will encourage you to think outside your box and to consider even the wildest of ideas.

One way to do this is to “Wild Mind Brainstorm.” Wild-Mind is done by having a piece of paper and writing down EVERY idea that occurs to you about the situation you’re facing. Do NOT evaluate your ideas—just write them down. Do NOT consider something “ too silly” or “too dumb” to write down—just write it down!

Evaluate your ideas in a few days, but not when you’re writing them down. Consider these ideas much like a newborn baby. You must cradle that baby and hold it lovingly and help it grow to a responsible adult. The same goes for your new ideas. You might find that one idea you would consider to be the “silliest” turns out to be your key for unlocking the door you’re facing.

Remember the guy who came up with the idea for Post-It Notes? The adhesive was discovered long before they found a use for it—and the person who said, “Let’s make some note pads that are small and can be easily removed,” was laughed at. But now—do you even see ONE office without Post-Its around? I have at least 6 pads of Post-Its in my desk drawer alone. There’s one in the kitchen, and one in the car.

Another way to increase your creativity is to be around others who are creative. Proverbs 27:17 says, “As iron sharpens iron, so people can improve each other.” If you hobnob with those who are known for creativity, it will wear off on you. And you will find new ways of looking at things and thinking about situations, as well.

You can find audio-books and speeches that will stir up your creative juices as well. Professional speakers and those who have “been there, done that” often hit the speaking-circuit and can pump fresh ideas and life in your goal and the ways you attain those goals.

I prefer removing myself from the goal-achieving mode and moving to a truly creative outlet—the arts. You may not consider yourself artsy or think you have any ability in this realm, but it’s worth taking a lump of clay (or Play-Doh) and working with it.

You may find, as I do, that when I’m working on a hobby that I truly love, I free up a portion of my brain that was engaged in my problem-solving. When that happens, I typically find a potential solution to my dilemma. Artistic creativity often sparks other forms of creative-thinking, as it engages a different area of the brain than what we’re used to using. Pick up a paintbrush, a pencil, arrange some flowers, or begin a needlework project. You may find in color and artistry you have a new lease on what you’re doing!

To Your Success!

Dr. Mike Davison
"Your Destiny Doctor"

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Sunday, July 20, 2008

Relationships and Success

Once you know the formula to success, it’s time to consider different avenues in which that formula should be put in to action. The main one you’ll find in every area of your life is relationships.

Why relationships? Because we are human beings, designed to interact with other human beings. This, by default, entails relationships. And also by default, if you don’t have appropriate skills to manage your relationships, you will fail miserably at whatever success you’re aiming for. The first relationship you must consider is the one you have with yourself. If you don’t like yourself, chances are great you will project that dislike to others and your lack of self-appreciation will not propel you to success in any given field. The higher your integrity is, the more you will like yourself. The more you like yourself, the better your relationships will be with others—from the inside out. Your family relationship is the next thing to examine. The most successful Harvard Business graduates (class of 1949, by percentages) had several things in common:

o They had wives who supported their work and endeavors; women who were intelligent and able to share ideas and be a sounding board

o They built their personal, family, and business lives on a foundation of integrity Family relationships are extremely important as you consider your path to success. If you fail here, you will not succeed elsewhere—we’ve already covered that in depth. Business relationships follow closely behind family relationships. They play a major role in the security and productivity of every individual involved in them, as well as the success and growth of the company.

You must also learn to manage your frustration as you deal with relationships. Because we are all human, we all have problem-areas and “sticking points” that will irritate and inflame others. If you can manage your frustration and turn a bad situation with an individual in to something you can learn from and make profitable, you will be that much farther ahead on your road to success.

Consider also, that the next person you meet is important. He or she might look like someone who cannot help you in your field, but then again, looks are deceiving. You never know when the person you assist might be able to assist you or report back to your boss what a great job you’re doing!

Summing up this section, you should be able to see how healthy family relationships, a willingness to go above & beyond at work, and an ability to consider the next person as important can have a monumental effect on your path to success. We cannot do it alone, and that mere fact means we must deal appropriately with people and relationships!

To Your Success!

Dr. Mike Davison
“Your Destiny Doctor”

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