Dr. Mike Davison's Live Your Big Picture!

Thoughts, news and reviews by Dr. Mike Davison about connecting more fully with your life's purpose.

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Location: Arlington Heights, Illinois, United States

I am Mike Davison and I am the founder of PartnersInPurpose.com. My company’s mission is to assist individuals and organizations to connect with their purpose and maximize their resources to optimize success. I am a Clinical Psychologist, organizational consultant and peak performance coach. I believe that everyone has a purpose in life. It is when people are fully connected with their purpose and are actively living it with a spirit of service and contribution that they experience the greatest sense of fulfillment. I live in the Chicagoland area with my wife of 16 years and our three amazing children.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Eight Principles of Fun!

To Your Best Life!

Dr. Mike Davison
"Your Destiny Doctor"

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Friday, February 22, 2008

Looking on the bright side....

Optimism is the ability to look at the brighter side of life and to maintain a positive attitude, even in the face of adversity.

The ability to bounce back from disappointment.

I have some questions about optimism.

Optimism involves always believing that everything will turn out well. Right?

No! That is merely poor Reality Testing.

Optimism means always giving yourself pep talks - just keep saying positive things to yourself. Right?

No! First, you won’t hear the pep talks after a short while because you know that they are phony. Second, you are in danger of hiding too much from real negatives that you need to notice and plan around.

Then what is Optimism, really?

You practice Optimism when you choose to view setbacks, downturns, and disappointments as temporary rather than permanent. Even if times are bad right now, you recognize that this need not be a permanent condition. Things can and probably will improve.

You practice Optimism when you choose to see misfortune as situational rather than pervasive. For example, your company is reducing its workforce and has let you go. While this may be a bad situation, it does not mean that you are an undesirable employee and will never work again.

You practice Optimism when you choose not to personalize bad events with statements like “Just my luck.” “This always happens to me.” “I have a black cloud over my life.” “I always screw things up.”

While optimists recognize that there are elements in a failed situation that they may not have been able to control, they are realistic about the aspects that they can control. If their performance in one of those aspects was poor, they take heart in the fact that it is within their control to do better next time.

Learn more about training your brain to think more optimistically from my show earlier this week.


Also, listen for another fr.eebie that I mention on the audio.

To Your Best Life!

Dr. Mike Davison
"Your Destiny Doctor"

P.S. Don't forget to grab your fr.ee audio from your favorite Life Design Coach at:

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Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Learn to embrace your inner tortoise from the Slowskys

I don't know about you, but I can learn a thing or two from the Slowskys. You know the charming couple from the commercials.

We live in a world where the pace and complexity can be mind blowing at times. It is everywhere. There is speed dial on your phone, speed reading classes, I even saw a DVD on speed Yoga. Modern life seems to be stuck on fast-forward.

It is why I have followed the sage advice of the Slowskys. Check out their wisdom below.


Dr. Mike Davison
"Your Destiny Doctor"
Co-Author of An Invitation to Personal Peace

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Monday, February 18, 2008

What is coaching?

What is coaching?

I get this question a lot.

Here are some of my thoughts on that question.

Coaching is the single best way to accelerate the process of accomplishing your most important outcomes.

Coaching is frequently categorized into two main areas: PERSONAL and PROFESSIONAL. I have found that it is often difficult to separate these two areas. In other words, a person who initially comes to coaching to make improvements in their professional life may find that things really begin to get better when we focus on their personal life, and vice versa.

Over the years, I have acquired the knowledge, training, and experience to work in a variety of areas that you may be struggling with.

In general, you may be a good candidate for coaching if you need help with any of the following:

Developing a plan or strategy
Often individuals want help developing a strategy or plan in order to achieve a desired result in the shortest period of time, with the least amount of stress.

Implementing a change or improvement
Individuals frequently want to change or improve something. For example, they may want to change jobs or improve a relationship.

Clarifying desires
Individuals are commonly looking to figure out what they REALLY want in their personal and/or business lives.

Overcoming frustrations
Many people want to work on overcoming the personal limitations or gaps in self-awareness that are hindering their success and enjoyment of life.


Initially, we will talk on the phone and discuss your current situation and objectives. If we both feel there is a match, we'll agree to work together.

Next, we will decide on the coaching program that's right for you. In my experience, the longer you work with a coach, the more you achieve. For example, a couple of golf lessons might help your game, but naturally, working with the club pro for a year is going to make you a heck of a lot better on the golf course!

Before the first session you will complete a personal profile that will help us both quickly assess where you are, where you've been, and where you want to go.

Then, we will meet via phone for your first session, where we'll discuss the profile and begin the coaching process, with the ultimate goal of helping you clarify and achieve what you truly desire.


We will review and discuss any homework that you have been working on. The purpose of the homework is simply to provide you with insights, new perspectives, and reaction oriented items that will help you get where you want to go faster. Often it will include things like self-observation, a reading suggestion, or a practice to begin.

We will look at what you have accomplished and achieved since our last session.

We will discuss the challenges you are currently facing, and come up with strategies to eliminate or overcome them.

We will agree on what you need to work on in-between sessions.

Each and every person is unique. Your needs and desires will be different from any other individual, and will vary from session to session. Therefore, we will focus on what is most pressing to you on each call. I will always be prepared for your session, but never attached to a specific agenda!


It is very important for me to correctly assess if I am the right partner for you. I am extremely committed to growth, success, and happiness of each individual I work with. I only work with a limited number of individuals who are serious about taking their lives to the next level. If I don't think I am right for the job, I will let you know immediately, and try to refer you to a more appropriate resource.


I currently offer the following one-on-one coaching programs:

The Intro Program

This is for those clients who would like to simply explore what coaching is all about, and/or are not yet ready to make a longer term commitment.

The intro program consists of four 45 minute coaching calls.

You can expect this series to last between 1-2 months, depending on the frequency of our sessions together. I initially meet with most of my intro clients weekly, and move to bi-weekly when more time becomes needed between sessions to complete assignments, process what we've discussed, or practice a new skill or concept.

Relationship Coaching Program

The Relationship Enhancer Coaching Course is a 12-week curriculum-based program designed to show you how to create the relationship of your dreams. This program is designed for couples to go through together, however, individuals can go participate as well. You will learn the fundamentals of relationship success. In this process, you will find out what you and your partner most need from each other to experience love, respect, and connection. Also emphasized in this course is the notion that what makes a relationship successful and fulfilling will change constantly. As each individual grows and new developmental challenges are encountered by the couple, the rules can change. Therefore, ongoing dialogue and healthy communication is necessary for continued relationship enhancement.

Business Building Coaching Program

This coaching program is for anyone interested in starting a financially viable internet based business. It will involve examining yourself to determine the best niche for you to build your business in. This will depend on your interests, values, experiences, credentials, etc... Once you define your niche I will walk you through creating your business. Yes creating it. Not talking about it. At the end of this program you will have a website (built by my company) that will allow you to 1) generate revenue, 2) impact others in a positive way, 3) develop your ideal life style.

Mastery Coaching Programs

Mastery coaching programs are for those clients who have completed previous coaching or personal development programs and are focused on highly specialized outcomes for their lives.

My philosophy and approach to working with couples and individuals can be described as collaborative and solution-focused. I specialize in helping individuals identify and overcome limitations in their thinking, and have a knack for helping couples and individuals find rapid solutions to long-standing challenges. As many of the newer schools of psychotherapy acknowledge, there is a strong connection between an individual's thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Therefore, creating a slight shift in any of these areas can lead to creating profound change.

If you would like to know more about coaching or the coaching programs I offer, please contact me at:

Dr. Mike Davison
3295 N. Arlington Heights Road
Suite 103
Arlington Heights, IL 60004
Phone: 847.490.7689
Fax: 847.398.6595

To Your Best Life!

Dr. Mike Davison
"Your Destiny Doctor"

P.S. Are you ready to invest in yourself?

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Friday, February 15, 2008

Need a double shot of passion and inspirtation?

If you do, you have come to the right place.

Today I am serving up 2 helpings of passion and inspiration.

#1 is a clip of Artist Michael Israel in action. It is undescribable. Check it out.

#2 is a clip of a contestant on American Idol practicing his craft. Even if you don't like his style of music, I beleive his passion will come though.

Have a passionate weekend!

Dr. Mike Davison
"Your Destiny Doctor"

P.S. Are you connected to your passion and purpose?

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Tuesday, February 12, 2008

It works for Monkeys, make it work for you...

Have you ever heard of mirror neurons?

It is a hot topic in the brain sciences right now.

It has huge implications about the power of modeling, and how being purposeful about modeling others we can more rapidly learn new behaviors.

This research was originally conducted on monkeys. However, it applies to human learning as well.

I recorded a show today where I talked about this highly technical research in a highly simple and practical way.

Check out the audio at:


To Your Best Life!

Dr. Mike Davison
"Your Destiny Doctor"

P.S. Get purposeful about designing and living your best life.

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Friday, February 08, 2008

Shift happens...

I have mentioned in previous messages thing such as...

Your thoughts make a difference.

The environments you put yourself in make a difference.

Your emotions make a difference.

I came across some cool research that reinforces the notion that your MINDSET MATTERS.

What you focus on makes a difference.

Small shifts in your focus can make a difference.

Here is the Source: Crum, A. & Langer, E. (2007) "Mindset Matters: Exercise as a Placebo," Psychological Science, 18, 2.

Here is the ABSTRACT—In a study testing whether the relationship between exercise and health is moderated by one's mind-set, 84 female room attendants working in seven different hotels were measured on physiological health variables affected by exercise. Those in the informed condition were told that the work they do (cleaning hotel rooms) is good exercise and satisfies the Surgeon General's recommendations for an active lifestyle. Examples of how their work was exercise were provided. Subjects in the control group were not given this information. Although actual behavior did not change, 4 weeks after the intervention, the informed group perceived themselves to be getting significantly more exercise than before. As a result, compared with the control group, they showed a decrease in weight, blood pressure, body fat, waist-to-hip ratio, and body mass index. These results support the hypothesis that exercise affects health in part or in whole via the placebo effect.

Pretty powerful stuff, huh?

Have a great weekend.

Remember, shift happens...

Dr. Mike Davison
"Your Destiny Doctor"

P.S. Consider life design coaching so you can design and live your best life.

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Tuesday, February 05, 2008

More on meditation (and creating sustainable change)

Check out my series on meditation on our blog at www.aninvitationtopersonalpeace.com/blog/

Another fr.ee resource I want to share with you is the audio from a show I did today on the fundamentals of change. I know you will find the information helpful.


Remember, the only difference between a rut and a grave are the dimensions. Knock the walls off your personal ruts today!

To Your Success!

Dr. Mike Davison
"Your Destiny Doctor"

P. S. If you are interested in creating massive change in your life, consider hiring a coach.

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Monday, February 04, 2008

Misconception #2 on meditation

Another misconception about meditation that came up in my recent teleconference was about a concern about meditation slowing a person down. One participant expressed a concern that their job requires them to be energetic and move quickly. He expressed the concern that meditation would lead to losing his "edge".

Here is what I know to be true about meditation. It helps you hone your edge. Meditation leads to being more centered and increases your capacity to be focused. Therefore, meditation will help you be more focused in a fast paced setting that requires you to focus on multiple tasks throughout the day.

One example would be working at the board of trade. Now that is a fast paced, high energy environment. I have worked with individuals who work in such environments that have reported learning to meditate helps them stay focused on what is most important in any given moment.

Think about it. We all have millions, probably billions of bits of information in our sensory field at any given moment. We can't focus on all of them. We need the ability to effective filter out the non-essential information. On the flip side, we need to be able to stay focused on the absolutely most essential. A meditation practice can help you develop that kind of edge. That kind of focus.


Dr. Mike Davison
“Your Destiny Doctor”

P.S. Have you checked out my book An Invitation to Personal Peace? www.aninvitationtopersonalpeace.com/products.php

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Friday, February 01, 2008

Misunderstandings about meditation

I recently conducted a teleconference on the value of meditation in creating more personal peace in your life. It was a lively conference and many questions were asked about meditation that I will spend the next week or so responding to.

One of the question that was asked in a number of different ways was "how long should I mediate for?". The other variations of this question included, "how do I find the time?" or the statement, "I don't have enough time to meditate".

These questions seemed to be based on the notion that you need to meditate for a long to experience benefits. Let me say loud and clear that you do NOT need time to set aside large period of time to meditate. You may not even need to set aside any time. You can look for those moments of natural down that come up throughout your day. You can meditate for 1 minute or 5 minutes in your car or while taking a walk on a brief work break.

Keep in mind that mediation is not a specialized activity that requires a special room or special equipment.

One of my favorite times to meditate is when I am at a stop light. I simply put my car in park, close my eyes and focus on my breath cycle. It is a very rapid way for me to slow down and fully orient myself to the present moment. This one minute mediation technique has also renew my faith in humanity. Every time I use it there is a kind soul who will give me a gentle reminder when the light turns green. It is so reassuring to know that others in the community are so committed to helping me on my path to create more personal peace in my life.


Dr. Mike Davison
"Your Destiny Doctor"

P.S. Have you checked out my book An Invitation to Personal Peace? www.aninvitationtopersonalpeace.com/products.php

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