Dr. Mike Davison's Live Your Big Picture!

Thoughts, news and reviews by Dr. Mike Davison about connecting more fully with your life's purpose.

My Photo
Location: Arlington Heights, Illinois, United States

I am Mike Davison and I am the founder of PartnersInPurpose.com. My company’s mission is to assist individuals and organizations to connect with their purpose and maximize their resources to optimize success. I am a Clinical Psychologist, organizational consultant and peak performance coach. I believe that everyone has a purpose in life. It is when people are fully connected with their purpose and are actively living it with a spirit of service and contribution that they experience the greatest sense of fulfillment. I live in the Chicagoland area with my wife of 16 years and our three amazing children.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Slow down and pay attention

A thought for you weekend is to slow down and pay attention.

Slow down.
Practice awareness.

Try this simple experiment.

Walk across room in slow motion. Mindfully.

Notice how it increases your awareness. That is what slowing down can do for you.

Do you live in response mode or reaction mode?

By paying more attention you can be more concious about how you spend your time and how you live your life.

Do yourself the favor and read this powerful poem below.


Dr. Mike Davison
847 490-7689

Slow Dance
This is a poem written by a teenager with cancer.

It is quite the poem. Please pass it on.

This poem was written by a terminally ill young girl in a New York Hospital.


Dr. Mike Davison
847 490-7689


Have you ever watched kids

On a merry-go-round?

Or listened to the rain

Slapping on the ground?

Ever followed a butterfly's erratic flight?

Or gazed at the sun into the fading night?

You better slow down.

Don't dance so fast.

Time is short.

The music won't last.

Do you run through each day

On the fly?

When you ask How are you?

Do you hear the reply?

When the day is done

Do you lie in your bed

With the next hundred chores

Running through your head?

You'd better slow down

Don't dance so fast.

Time is short.

The music won't last.

Ever told your child,

We'll do it tomorrow?

And in your haste,

Not see his sorrow?

Ever lost touch,

Let a good friendship die

Cause you never had time

To call and say,'Hi'

You'd better slow down.

Don't dance so fast.

Time is short.

The music won't last.

When you run so fast to get somewhere

You miss half the fun of getting there.

When you worry and hurry through your day,

It is like an unopened gift....

Thrown away.

Life is not a race.

Do take it slower

Hear the music

Before the song is over.

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Thursday, September 27, 2007

Conquering the fear monster.

On tonight's teleconference we will be talking about conquering the fear monster.

In my experience (with myself and my clients), I have found that fear is the #1 culprit in holding people back in life.

Tonight we will talk about overcoming that tendency.

To participate in this call tonight (Thursday, September 27th) simply call in a few minutes before 9pm EST.

Conference Dial-in Number: (712) 775-7100

Participant Access Code: 388951#

Your Coach,

Dr. Mike
"Your Destiny Doctor"

P.S. Don't be afraid, come join us tonight.

P.S.S. If you have any questions about individualized
consultation or coaching to help you live your
big dream, contact me at mike@PartnersInPurpose.com .

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Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Expanding the Window of Self

While I am not a computer expert, I have learned a few things over the years. I have learned that a computer has an operating system. If you uninstall important aspects of that operating system "things" won't work. At least not well. I have also become aware that if you, or someone else, tries to install programs on your computer that are not compatible with your operating system, major malfunction can occur.

In becoming more acquainted with the workings of computers, I have realized that they have some similarities to people. People have a main operating system. This includes key aspects of our identity, our values, goals, dreams, passions, talents, and much more. I have found as a Psychologist that when we shut off important aspects of our operating system, trouble will arise. I have also found that when we, or someone else, tries to install incompatible programs, major problems also inevitably arise. Sometimes a complete crash.

To step out of metaphor and into specifics, I will use an abbreviated example from the life of a past client of mine. This gentleman found himself in his fifties with major challenges. He was depressed, drinking alcoholically, hated his work, and was in the throws of a divorce.

In our third session together he shared a profound self-reflective question -- "Whose life am I living?". As a young man he abandoned his passion in music and hopes of a musical career to join the family business. He never felt that his musical abilities and other artistic talents were valued in his family (uninstalled). He felt pressured to join the family business (incompatible program). Because he had learned to devalue and disconnect from important parts of himself, in favor of avoiding conflict and fitting in, he ultimately paid a major price.

While he ultimately turned his system crashing into a growth experience, it took him longer to move beyond the feeling that he had wasted precious years of his life. I ask you:

- Are you living your life?

- What important parts of Self have you devalued or disconnected from?

-What aspects of your current life are the result of seeking harmony or avoiding conflict versus living out your passions, dreams, desires and talents?

- What has been the price you have paid?

- Are you willing to continue to pay that price?

Your Coach,

Dr. Mike Davison

If you have any questions about individualized consultation or
coaching to help you live your big dream, please do not hesitate
to contact me at mike@PartnersInPurpose.com .

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Thursday, September 20, 2007

Special Offer

For anyone who was on tonight's teleconference, we’re offering a bonus. If you buy the workbook Best Affirmations Workbook: 30 Day How to Guide to Actively Create The Life You Want, we will give you three amazing bonuses - FREE!!

Bonus #1 you will receive three different files from the 21 affirmations categories mentioned on the website.

You can choose from financial abundance affirmations to eating right and losing weight to becoming a manifesting magnet and spiritual growth.

Bonus #2 I will also send you an e-book author by Emil Coue (the father of affirmations)entitled Self Mastery through Auto-Suggestion.

Bonus #3 Mp3 of tonight's teleconference.

We want you to start reaping the benefits and rewards of affirmations.

Take advantage of this special offer by clicking on the icon below.

To Your Success!
Dr. Mike

P.S. Oh, this offer only lasts for the next 48 hours.

Affirm, visualize and actualize

Learn to use visualization and affirmations to transform your life, your health and renew the joy and passion for life.

Imagine this...

Image waking up each morning bursting with excitement, joy and enthusiasm.

Image being able to create the life of your dreams.

Image bypassing struggle.

That is what this new program can do for you.

Learn how to leverage the power of affirmations.

Your Coach,

Dr. Mike
"Your Destiny Doctor"

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Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Using Affirmations for a Change

Don’t you hate it when you feel overwhelmed?

Maybe for you it’s more of a feeling of being “stuck in a rut?”

Or perhaps are you searching for a way to turn your life around but you just don’t know quite how to do it?

If you can relate with any of these questions, you will not want to miss this Thursday's teleconference.

This Thursday evening at 9pm EST I have the honor and pleasure of interviewing Dr. Patricia Ross.

I’ve just discovered a Workbook that Dr. Ross co-authored with Scott Armstrong that takes you by the hand and walks you step-by-step through a program that will help YOU master using affirmations to achieve your desires in life.

Any desires.

Their powerful handbook called “Affirmations Handbook: A 30-day Guide to Actively Creating the Life You Want,” by Dr. Patricia Ross and Scott Sharp Armstrong.

To learn more about their new Workbook check out:

To participate in this call tonight (Thursday, September 20th) simply call in a few minutes before 9pm EST.

Conference Dial-in Number: (712) 775-7100

Participant Access Code: 388951# I look forward to "seeing" you on the call.

Your Coach,

Dr. Mike
"Your Destiny Doctor"

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Monday, September 17, 2007

Come on! You have dreamed of writing a book. You know it!

You may know that I recently published my book, An Invitation to Personal Peace. It has been such a blast to get feedback from people in different parts of the world about the impact the book has had. I am so proud of the success of the book.

A question I have for you is...

Have you ever dreamed of writing a book?

If you have, please do yourself a favor and check out this site?

I'm going to do this (I have another book in me waiting to come out!).

I would love for you to do it too. I think we'll both love it.

The site explains everything.

Let's be "writing buddies," OK?

Your coach,

Dr. Mike Davison

P.S. Don't let your dream of a book die! Check out http://www.booksmeancredibility.com/vip/80

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Thursday, September 13, 2007

Wake up tonight before you go to sleep

Most Thursday evenings I have teleconferences.

Tonight I am going to be discussing mindfulness.

What is mindfulness? (Good question)

Mindfulness is simply being in the present moment.

Mindfulness is an effective way to reduce stress, increase self-awareness, enhance emotional intelligence, and undermine AUTOMATIC and REPETITIVE destructive thoughts, feelings and behaviors.

Mindfulness is about falling awake, connecting with ourselves, and appreciating the fullness of each moment of life.

If that sound like something you want more of, join me tonight.

To participate in this call tonight (Thursday September 13th) simply call in a few minutes before 9pm EST.

Conference Dial-in Number: (712) 775-7100
Participant Access Code: 388951#

I look forward to "seeing" you on the call.

Your Coach,
Dr. Mike
"Your Destiny Doctor"

P.S. You will get specific techniques to help you cultivate mindfulness.

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Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Listen to this!!


Here is the link to today blog radio show. Check it out!


Today we talked about Finding Your Life's Purpose.

This daily show is a collaboration with 5 individuals.
We humbly refer to ourselves as the Fab 5!

This is who we are.

Me, Dr. Mike Davison, Your Destiny Doctor, www.PartnersInPurpose.com

Frank Gasiorowski, Mr90DayGoals www.90DayGoals.com

Tracy Repchuk, Marketing Makeover Maestro www.MillionaireMarketingMiracles.com

Ronda Del Boccio, The Storyation Lady www.Storyation.com

Penni Wild, The Dalai Momma www.RealLifeMagic.com

The TodaysGuest Radio Show is aired each day, Monday to Friday at 10 am ET.
You can listen 3 different ways:

1. You can listen to our show with your phone at:1-646-716-9817

2. You can listen on the internet at: www.BlogTalkRadio.com/todaysguest

3. You can listen to archived shows at:

I hope you check us out.

Your Coach,

Dr. Mike Davison

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Sunday, September 09, 2007

New Blog Radio Show starting Monday September 10th

Monday, September 10, 2007 at 10am Eastern TimeThe "TodaysGuest" Blog Talk Radio Show begins.The Fabulous Five have arrived.

See what happens as we start out own International Blog Talk Radio Show.This Friday, My phone started ringing.

I received calls from my friends saying,"Mike, why not start your own radio show?"

They mentioned this new Web 2.0 technology thatAllows the creation of a show, virtually overnight.

That is just what my Fabulous Friends encouraged me to do and the Fabulous Five Radio Team was born.

We all believe that to take ACTION is the prerequisiteto achieving your Goals. Getting started is 50% completed.That is precisely what we did.

Who are the Fabulous Five?

Glad you asked.

Me, Dr. Mike Davison, Your Destiny Doctor, www.PartnersInPurpose.com
Frank Gasiorowski, Mr90DayGoals www.90DayGoals.com
Tracy Repchuk, Marketing Makeover Maestro www.MillionaireMarketingMiracles.com
Ronda Del Boccio, The Storyation Lady www.Storyation.com
Penni Wild, The Dalai Momma www.RealLifeMagic.com

We have banded together and became,The Fabulous Five, TodaysGuest Radio Team.

The TodaysGuest Radio Show goal is that it will be aired,
Each day, Monday to Friday at 10 am ET.

We have much to learn and technical issues to masterBut if you want to see some inspired individuals taking ACTION Steps to make this happen, tune-in and watch us grow.

The TodaysGuest Radio Inaugural Show is Monday, September 10th at 10 am ET. with myself and my good friend Frank Gasiorowski, Mr90DayGoals.

How can I listen?

Glas you asked.

You can listen to our show with your phone at: 1-646-716-9817

You can listen on the internet at: www.BlogTalkRadio.com/todaysguest

A website and a "TodaysGuest" Blog are Already in the works.

Tune-in 5 minutes early and hear Dave Repchuk, "The Mystery Man"Doing the warm-ups to the radio show.You may contact any of the FAB-5 team via email.


Hope you can make it for our first show!

Your Coach,

Dr. Mike Davison

P.S. What are you avoiding taking action on?

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Friday, September 07, 2007

You were designed for greatness.

Yes! You were designed for greatness.

Your inner nature calls for you to actualize your greatness.

You also have a part of yourself that seeks security. If seeking security 'wins out', you will pay a price. You will stay small. Your Big Dream will pass you by.

Step up. Stretch your comfort zone. Make quicker decisions.

You may be thinking, 'But I will make mistakes'.

You are right.

Mistakes are teachers, if you 'fall forward'.

Taking risks cultivates your aliveness. Taking risks provides opportunities to grow.

Sure you may feel fearful. Fear is a form of expansion - but only if you act in spite of the fear.

If you fear something, but do it anyway, you expand yourself. You reach closer to your Big Dream.

When you are presented with an opportunity, make the growth choice, not the safe choice. By consistently making the growth choice you are actually wiring yourself for success.

Becoming more bold benefits you. Becoming more bold benefits the world.

Your staying in the safe zone keeps you small. It serves nobody.

In the words of the great Yogi Bera, 'When you come to the fork in the road, take it'. Make quicker decisions. Take those action steps that will accelerate your growth.

To Your Big Dream!

Dr. Mike Davison

P.S. Have a Great weekend!

P.S.S. If you have any questions about individualizedconsultation or coaching to help you live your big dream, contact me at mike@PartnersInPurpose.com .

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Monday, September 03, 2007

Using the power of your mind for a change

The Power of Creative Visualization is a tried and true technique that helps you create the things you want in life. Creative Visualization is the art of sending an image - a picture to your subconscious mind.Your subconscious mind creates your reality based on a number of messages you send to it. One of these messages is the pictures and images that you visualize and send to your subconscious mind. It then picks up this creative visualization or picture and begins creating what it sees.

The key to understanding how creative visualization works is to first understand that your subconscious mind does not know what is real and what is fiction. It simply creates your reality based on the image that you visualize.

So if you visualize yourself struggling, poor, unhappy, single or depressed then this is the reality that your subconscious mind creates. There have been many books written on creative visualization all of which tell you that if you visualize you will create the things you want. But there's only one problem - it can take years before you see results through simple creative visualization.

Don't get me wrong - I believe in the power of creative visualization - when it's done properly. But I have yet to find a book that tells you exactly how to get the most out of visualization. Most of the books I've read tell you to simply close your eyes and visualize yourself having what you want. Yes, this will work - in the end. But remember - your subconscious mind receives a number of messages from you - and it creates your reality based on these messages. In order to get the most out of visualization all your other messages to your subconscious mind have to be in agreement with what you visualize - otherwise you'll never create the things that you visualize no matter how hard you try.

Think of it this way. You're in a boat and there are a number of people rowing this boat for you. You tell one of them to row in a certain way so that you go in a certain direction. But if all the other people rowing for you are going in the opposite direction - that one person rowing will have little or no impact. The boat will never go the way you want. In order to get the most out of visualization you need to add a few other techniques during and after your visualization. When you do that get everybody rowing your boat in the direction you want - and you'll naturally get to your destination sooner.

When you work with creative visualization you begin automatically using a number of techniques that tap into all your powers creating a tidal wave of positive energy sent to your subconscious mind. All this works to create the things you want sooner. With creating visualization you begin rowing your boat with a number of oars - suddenly you're cutting through the waves and headed straight for what you want.Learn how to visualize and tap into the amazing power of your subconscious mind. With creative visualization you'll be on the road to success by working just 5 minutes a day and manifest success, happiness and much more.

Your Coach,

Dr. Mike

P.S. If you need additional information about creative visualization, contact me @ mike@PartnersInPurpose.com .

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Saturday, September 01, 2007

Stretch yourself for a change

I just started practicing yoga myself. Physically I am not very flexible. Yet my goal is to become so.

I really believed that flexibility is a key to optimal emotional, mental, and physical health.

Individuals with flexible minds are able to "go with the flow". They are able to not get caught up in the battle field of lessor importance. They are able to continually find new solutions to new challenges.

I figure if flexibility is good for the mind, why not for the body as well.

It is why I recently took up yoga. (Plus it is nice to tie my shoes without making guttural notices).

The physical, mental, and spiritual benefits of yoga have been known for centuries. In fact, the art of yoga with its system of stylized poses has been around for thousands of years. The word itself is Sanskrit and means to join together.

Although yoga might appear as a series of simple stretching exercises, the ultimate goal of yoga is to join the human spirit with that of the universal spirit to achieve the ultimate of yoga benefits.

But let’s start with the physical benefits of yoga. Using yoga for health improvement can result in stronger muscles, improved posture and balance, and increased flexibility. The benefits of yoga also include a reduction in physical pain, improved sleep, lower blood pressure and cholesterol, and increased energy levels. These are just a handful of yoga benefits.

Regular practice of simple yoga poses can produce a myriad mental benefits, as well. Yogis, or people who practice yoga, can attest to a reduction in depression and anxiety, improved memory and concentration and enhanced learning. Benefits of yoga for health also include an increased sense of well-being and self-acceptance. Yoga is also an excellent way to manage stress.

Proper breathing and the use of meditation are important components of yoga. Many of the yoga benefits mentioned above are due largely in part to these two elements. Breathing, for instance, is believed to be the physical manifestation of life force energy known as prana. When we breathe deeply with our diaphragm muscle during yoga poses, we are increasing oxygen flow in our bodies. More importantly, we are filling our bodies with life force energy, which explains why we feel so invigorated after yoga.

Yoga practitioners often use meditation in conjunction with yoga in order to reach a relaxed state of the mind and body. To meditate means to focus our attention on something such as our breath or a mantra with the purpose of quieting our thoughts.

Because proper breathing and regular meditation are cornerstones of yoga, we cannot discount the deep spiritual implications of this ancient art. For centuries enlightened cultures have sought the spiritual benefits of yoga and have discovered its awesome ability to momentarily separate us from our material needs and desires and put us in contact with something greater. We can use yoga and its meditative elements to open up our minds to receive deeper wisdom. The best part is that we don’t have to be a shaman or Gandhi to reap these spiritual benefits of yoga.
That’s because yoga can be practiced anywhere and requires no special equipment, although loose-fitting clothing and a yoga mat are recommended. Beginners and intermediate yogis can start with a series of poses called Sun Salutation, which you can do in the morning to start the day.

Check out a book on yoga for health, which illustrates a variety of poses, rent a yoga video, or sign up for a class at a local yoga studio or gym. Although some of the poses you try may be challenging, they should never be painful. When used in conjunction with a healthy diet and lifestyle, the benefits of yoga can lead to enhanced quality of life and physical well-being.


Dr. Mike

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