Dr. Mike Davison's Live Your Big Picture!

Thoughts, news and reviews by Dr. Mike Davison about connecting more fully with your life's purpose.

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Location: Arlington Heights, Illinois, United States

I am Mike Davison and I am the founder of PartnersInPurpose.com. My company’s mission is to assist individuals and organizations to connect with their purpose and maximize their resources to optimize success. I am a Clinical Psychologist, organizational consultant and peak performance coach. I believe that everyone has a purpose in life. It is when people are fully connected with their purpose and are actively living it with a spirit of service and contribution that they experience the greatest sense of fulfillment. I live in the Chicagoland area with my wife of 16 years and our three amazing children.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Good Vibrations! It does a body good

"I'm pickin' up good vibrations
I'm pickin' up good vibrations
(Oom bop bop good vibrations)"
-the Beach Boys

No, it's not "Name This Tune".

Don't worry, I won't ask you to sing either.

But, I do have a more serious question for you.

What vibrations are you generating in your life?

Dr Wayne Dyer in his book,
There's a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem says,

" Spiritual Problem solving ultimately means examining the concept of energy
in a new way. You have within you the ability to increase your frequency and enhance the energy field of your everyday life. By increasing the speed that you vibrate you move into a life of spiritual connection and away from material world of problems."

Lower energy fields consist of : fear, anxiety, and ego (it's all about me,me,me and more me")
Higher energy fields consist of :courage, acceptance, love, and giving of your talents to help advance humanity.

Let's put this in a real world example.

You make an intention to pursue your desire of becoming a writer. The moment you
begin to "go for it" a thought of fear (lower energy) comes into play.

What happens next? I'm sure you can feel in the blank. A situation (writer's block or peeling the paint of the office wall) all of a sudden comes into the picture.

The result: Your desire gets doused. The fire goes out.

Now if you replaced the thought of fear with courage and love in that same situation, you set an all together different environment for your dream to become reality. The atmosphere becomes one where more ideas have the opportunity to flow and flourish.

What intentions or dreams do you want to accomplish in your life?

See what energy field shows up when you think about putting action to it.

Try this for a week. Consciously raise yourself to a higher energy in thought and see what miracles begin to show up for you.

Let me know what you discover and share it on this blog.

I look forward to hearing from you!

"Raising the roof " on energy,

Your Destiny Doctor
Dr.Mike Davison

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