Dr. Mike Davison's Live Your Big Picture!

Thoughts, news and reviews by Dr. Mike Davison about connecting more fully with your life's purpose.

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Location: Arlington Heights, Illinois, United States

I am Mike Davison and I am the founder of PartnersInPurpose.com. My company’s mission is to assist individuals and organizations to connect with their purpose and maximize their resources to optimize success. I am a Clinical Psychologist, organizational consultant and peak performance coach. I believe that everyone has a purpose in life. It is when people are fully connected with their purpose and are actively living it with a spirit of service and contribution that they experience the greatest sense of fulfillment. I live in the Chicagoland area with my wife of 16 years and our three amazing children.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Slow down and pay attention

A thought for you weekend is to slow down and pay attention.

Slow down.
Practice awareness.

Try this simple experiment.

Walk across room in slow motion. Mindfully.

Notice how it increases your awareness. That is what slowing down can do for you.

Do you live in response mode or reaction mode?

By paying more attention you can be more concious about how you spend your time and how you live your life.

Do yourself the favor and read this powerful poem below.


Dr. Mike Davison
847 490-7689

Slow Dance
This is a poem written by a teenager with cancer.

It is quite the poem. Please pass it on.

This poem was written by a terminally ill young girl in a New York Hospital.


Dr. Mike Davison
847 490-7689


Have you ever watched kids

On a merry-go-round?

Or listened to the rain

Slapping on the ground?

Ever followed a butterfly's erratic flight?

Or gazed at the sun into the fading night?

You better slow down.

Don't dance so fast.

Time is short.

The music won't last.

Do you run through each day

On the fly?

When you ask How are you?

Do you hear the reply?

When the day is done

Do you lie in your bed

With the next hundred chores

Running through your head?

You'd better slow down

Don't dance so fast.

Time is short.

The music won't last.

Ever told your child,

We'll do it tomorrow?

And in your haste,

Not see his sorrow?

Ever lost touch,

Let a good friendship die

Cause you never had time

To call and say,'Hi'

You'd better slow down.

Don't dance so fast.

Time is short.

The music won't last.

When you run so fast to get somewhere

You miss half the fun of getting there.

When you worry and hurry through your day,

It is like an unopened gift....

Thrown away.

Life is not a race.

Do take it slower

Hear the music

Before the song is over.

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