Dr. Mike Davison's Live Your Big Picture!

Thoughts, news and reviews by Dr. Mike Davison about connecting more fully with your life's purpose.

My Photo
Location: Arlington Heights, Illinois, United States

I am Mike Davison and I am the founder of PartnersInPurpose.com. My company’s mission is to assist individuals and organizations to connect with their purpose and maximize their resources to optimize success. I am a Clinical Psychologist, organizational consultant and peak performance coach. I believe that everyone has a purpose in life. It is when people are fully connected with their purpose and are actively living it with a spirit of service and contribution that they experience the greatest sense of fulfillment. I live in the Chicagoland area with my wife of 16 years and our three amazing children.

Friday, June 29, 2007

Paris Hilton: Reloaded on Larry King Live

"What ever your unique talents are,
you will experience a greater sense of personal peace when
you cultivate them and use them in the service of the greater
I want to pose a challenge. That challenge is to look at it as
your ethical imperative to develop your unique abilities and
to see it as your obligation to the world and your creator.
Remember a talent is not a talent unless you discover it and
make use of it in a positive way to contribute to the world."

"From An Invitation to Personal Peace"

What are your Unique Talents? Are you sharing them with the world
or are you hoarding them for yourself? Talents were meant to be shared.
It's not too late to discover what you can contribute to the world.

For example, let's take the New Paris "Peace on Earth" Hilton.
While on the Larry King Show this past week she revealed how
she discovered her unique talents to cultivate to the world.

Hilton: That's something I was actually thinking a lot about in jail. I feel like, you know, being in the spotlight, I have a platform where I can raise awareness for so many great causes, and just do so much with this, instead of, you know, superficial things like going out. I want to help raise money for kids and for breast cancer, multiple sclerosis and...

KING: You want to get involved in all of it.


KING: What's your favorite Bible passage?

HILTON: I don't have a favorite, but...

KING: You read it every day?

HILTON: In jail, I read a lot.

KING: Going to go to mass?


KING: All right. We're going to see a new Paris Hilton.


KING: What will we see? Will we see less Paris Hilton? More Paris Hilton in a different way? Give us what the public will see of the new Paris Hilton, starting June 28, 2007?

HILTON: I've definitely matured and grown a lot from this experience, so I just -- I don't know, I just want to be -- I'm 26 years old. I'm an adult, and I am -- I have to just grow up and to be a more responsible -- a role model.

KING: We'll know it.

HILTON: I want to be a good role model for these girls.

If Paris can do it, so can you!

Buy an Invitation to Personal Peace today and learn a specific technique on how to
discover your unique talents.

What are you waiting for? The power of change resides in the present moment.

Your Destiny Doctor
Dr. Mike Davison

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Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Kelly Clarkson American Idol's First Lady speaks her truth

"It's not about making people upset," Kelly Clarkson said

during a June 18 taping of

"Nissan Live Sets on Yahoo! Music."

"It's about not settling."

Now This is a woman who refuses to Show up small!

How about you? Are you showing up too small in life?

Here's an example of what showing up small looks like.

As you read this small excerpt from my book An Invitation to Personal Peace,
ask y0urself if this could be you.

"Many people show up way too small in life. They stay small
and settle due to fear. It may be fear of failure, fear of success,
or fear of being discovered for the incompetence they
feel. Much of the fear of taking risks has long and deep roots.
For many, it comes from growing up in a family that sends
subtle messages that “you are either with us or against us.

In this kind of family, it may have been necessary to downplay,
disown, devalue or disconnect from important parts of
your being. It reminds me of the old saying that “ships are
safest in port, but that is not what ships were built for”.
Similarly, you were not built to stay small and only express a
fraction of who you are."

From Chapter 9 in
An Invitation to Personal Peace


That excerpt may have been tough to read if you
acknowledge where you are showing up small. Research
shows that we only use 10% of our true capacity or potential.
There is so much more you can give to life and for life to give you.

Here's my question for you: When are you going to allow life to give you
what you really want.

Will you Start today? Great!

Let me know what you discover and how the exercises in this
book helped you get through fear.

Thats your Destiny Doctor Prescription for the week! Take a big dose of
it and Invite yourself to have personal peace in your life!

Take Care,
Dr.Mike Davison

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Monday, June 25, 2007

"No Pants for You!" The $65 million search for Inner Peace

Attention: All Small Business Owners---
If you have a sign that looks like this take it down immediately you might get sued!

Think I'm joking. Keep Reading
Looks like one Dry Cleaners took my advice:


These Guys are a quick study!

Okay,When I first saw this story,
I thought it was a joke. Judge sues dry cleaners for
65 millions dollars, (my correction he reduced it to a cool 54 million) because they lost his pants.
And what was the Judge's reason for suing the dry cleaners for this amount?

Read the quote for yourself:

"Astoundingly, Pearson, who won’t grant interviews, filed a case claiming he and other wronged customers at Custom Cleaners were due $67,292,000 for damages, mental suffering and attorney’s fees. Pearson had also claimed that the cleaners should not be allowed to display signs reading “Satisfaction Guaranteed,” “Same Day Service” and “All Work Done on Premises” because they are deceptive and fraudulent to customers."

Am I missing something here?

Here's what An Invitation to Personal Peace
tells us about anger

"Those that are not taught how to
deal with the strong emotion of anger either learn to turn
their angry feelings inward and not express them or to
express anger outward and take it out on others by becoming
an aggressive bully. Sometimes this bullying takes on a
subtle form and becomes a passive aggressive stance. These
negative tactics never work well and they don’t contribute to
developing and maintaining healthy relationships."

Seems as though Roy Pearson recently went through a messy divorce
and unemployment. These are two major life stressors.

But it was the pants that broke the camel's back.

An Invitation to Personal Peace will guide you through exercises to help
you deal with your anger.

It doesn't have to come down to pants.... Or lack of.

Your Destiny Doctor
Dr. Mike Davison

Friday, June 22, 2007

Breaking Free from Fear

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest
fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light,
not our darkness, that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented
and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a
child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world.
There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other
people won’t feel insecure around you.
We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to
make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just
in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light
shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do
the same. As we’re liberated from our own fear, our presence
automatically liberates others.”-Marrianne Williamson

In An Invitation to Personal Peace, We devote an entire chapter on how to work through fear instead of letting fear work on you.

Let me ask you a question: What dream has fear taken away from your life? How does that make you feel?

Some years ago, I noticed a certain fear confronting me whenever I started to write a book. The Inner voice would go something like this "You're getting to big for your britches!"

Can you guess what happened next?
Okay, I'll tell you.
Frustration with myself for giving in to a voice that kept me small in the world.

Frustration and Inner Peace aren't a great match.

This all changed when I changed my reaction to my fear.

Instead of giving into the fear I used thought and action to confront it.

I started saying " We'll I'm up to something big."(thought)

I then proceeded to write (action).

This led to me to Personal Peace.

If I listened to the voice that limited my spirit, An Invitation to Personal Peace may not have been born.

Use the 5 simple exercises today in An Invitation to Personal Peace to walk through fear with boldness and courage.

Your desires are waiting for you. Don't disappoint them.

Believe in yourself today.

Make your Destiny a masterpiece.

Your Destiny Doctor
Dr.Mike Davison

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Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Inside the Mind of Britney Spears:Sticks and Stones

"Accurate self-examination is an important part of one’s personal
growth. It is so easy to fall into self-deception. If you are not honest with yourself
about certain matters, then doubts and fears will haunt you.
You cannot develop a healthy sense of self when you
have a self-serving and false appraisal of yourself."
Transcending Self-Delusions, Chapter 10 An Invitation to Personal Peace

What is Self-Delusion?
Great Question!

According to SELF-DECEPTION, SELF-DELUSION and SELF-DENIAL: And How to Act from What You Know to be True,When we deceive, delude or deny to our self, we mislead our self, we misrepresent or disown what we know to be true, we lie to our self, we refuse to acknowledge that which we know.

Why would we lie to ourselves?
In a book called Vital Lies, Simple Truths, Daniel Goleman notes that we do not see what it is that we do not see, because:

The mind can protect itself against anxiety by diminishing awareness. This mechanism produces a blind spot: a zone of blocked attention and self-deception. Such blind spots occur at each major level of behavior from the psychological to the social. (p. 22)

Well, I'm glad that cleared everything up!

Basically, it's a protective behavior that keeps the person from experiencing or facing the consequences of reality. Eventually the truth wins. Sometimes in a very public way! For Example:

Then:Britney Says in May 2007
"I used to be angry at the tabloids for printing horrible things about me, but now I try to just be numb to what I see."

Now: Britney Says June 20,2007
"Spears Angered By Shaved Head Ads
Britney Spears
has admitted to having some problems, but she's drawing the line at a "nut job."

I guess being numb didn't work.

Again from Britney:

"It is so sad, because if anyone is a family person...it is me."

"I feel like some of the people in my life made more of some issues than was necessary."

"I also feel like they knew I was beginning to use my brain for a change and cut some ties, so they wanted to be in more control of my life than me."

Britney, I'll even sign the book for you!

Now why didn't I think of that before. That'll convince her!

Bottom Line: Self Delusions can't hide from reality forever. As you can see they surface sooner or later.

Why not Grab a copy of an Invitation to Personal Peace to avoid this happening to you? Make sure you do the daily practice on day 4 in Chapter 10 that could instantly give you guidance and comfort on your journey to inner peace.

What are you waiting for? The only time you have promised to you is the present. Let this be a gift to you of powerful transformation and bliss.

Your Destiny Doctor
Dr.Mike Davison

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Monday, June 18, 2007

Inside the Mind Of Britney Spears "Figuring Things Out"

Watch out Shake sphere... There's a New Kid On the Block!

James Allen "As A Man Thinketh"-That's nothing

Earl Nightingale "The Strangest Secret"- Lightweight stuff

Who is it?

No other but the profound literary herself,

Britney Spears.


Let me explain, it gets better.

Last week we talked about "Exercise Your Write" Chapter 3 in my book an Invitation to Personal Peace.

Here is an excerpt from that chapter,

Try “free writing” or writing down whatever comes to mind, without judgment.
Writing is a powerful personal development and spiritual
tool. Writing can help you explore your self, your desires and
intentions, and the reasons why you do the things you do.

A lot of times it helps to have an example of what free writing looks like, and you're in for a real treat today.

Not only do I have an example on free writing but it's from the ever evolving Britney Spears. Watch how she weaves and infuses her thoughts without judgment in this excerpt:

Recently, I was sent to a very humbling place called rehab. I truly hit rock bottom. Till this day I don't think that it was alcohol or depression. I was like a bad kid running around with ADD. I had a manager from a long time ago come in and try to direct me and my life after I got my divorce. I was so overwhelmed I think that I was in a little shock too. I didn't know who to go to. I realized how much energy and love I had put into my past relationship when it was gone because I genuinely did not know what to do with myself, and it made me so sad. I confess, I was so lost.

This letter is a total of 845 words in its entirety. Join me on Wednesday as we address Part 2 of Britney Spears' letter of "This is the Truth" and her Invitation to Personal Peace as we address the Chapter on Transcending Self-delusions.

If Britney were to go back and look at what she wrote, she might find a few things that don't seem to fit. For instance, going to Rehab but not for alcohol or depression seems a little strange.
I could go on but there aren't enough hours in the day.

Now it's your turn.
After you free write in your journal, look back and see if you are really being truthful with yourself. Self-discovery opens the door to a path of empowerment and magnetic energy to live the life you truly desire and deserve.

Grab the book and start reading ahead of time so you can fully enjoy Wednesday's post.

Inviting you to the Destiny you Desire,
Your Destiny Doctor,
Dr.Mike Davison

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Friday, June 15, 2007

Applebee's lower's drinking age for Margarita Monday

The Case for Mindfulness
Everyday we mindlessly misplace the keys or remote control.

We may think nothing of it.

Just going through the motions of your day without being present in moment has its consequences.

Keep reading and you will see what I mean.

Do You See Anything Wrong with this Picture?

Why would a Sippy Cup be next to a glass of margarita?

Great Question!

Let's see Alcohol 21 years and older..... Sippy cup 2 years old and under..hmm

Apparently, Applebees is adding a new item to it's kid's menu. Apple Juice "AKA" Margarita.

That's Right.

This past Monday, a little two year old boy reached for his sippy cup of apple juice and instead was served a Margarita. Mom said her two year old started acting weird and making "funny faces". She opened the lid and surprise!.... Liquor.

It gets better, keep reading!

Corporate representatives later told Mayorga that the liquor that had been mistakenly poured in her son's cup was their "top-shelf" margarita, complete with triple sec and high-quality tequila.

The restaurant keeps apple juice and the pre-made "top-shelf" liquor fusion in two identical-looking plastic bottles on ice behind the bar, Tei said.

Markings on the bottles differentiate the two, but a manager who was working at the time mistakenly grabbed the margarita mixture instead of the apple juice jug. The children's cup is an opaque white with graphics around on the sides and a cover, making it difficult to see, Tei said.

Now if this manager had just turned to page 108 in An Invitation to Personal Peace the Daily Practice for Day 5 would've come in handy.

"By practicing mindfulness we learn to stay in the present
moment and experience life fully. We stay focused and aware
of what is happening in the moment. This gives us the ability
to think and respond to our lives in ways that are in our
best interest."

Let's do our best to prevent these types of things from happening. Next time you order your favorite beverage from your neighborhood Applebees make sure you give them your copy of an Invitation to Personal Peace before they make your drink.

Who knows? You may save another 2 year old from a hangover.

Live Purposely with Passion,
Your Destiny Doctor
Dr. Mike Davison

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Britney Spears is "Just trying to Figure Things Out"

Please Don't Try this at home.

Cultivating a sense of Personal Peace in your life doesn't have to come down to this.

According to my close sources ( MSN News web site), Lynne Spears says her daughter Britney, whose public meltdown included shearing off her own locks, is

"just figuring things out."

Britney all you had to do was ask.

I could've given you a much simpler way to figure things out.


Since Britney took a different route, allow me to share a powerful tool you can use today to invite more peace in your life.

Materials Needed: Pen and Notebook- no shears involved

From the chapter Exercise Your Write:

"Writing is a powerful personal development and spiritual
tool. Writing can help you explore your self, your desires and
intentions, and the reasons why you do the things you do."

- (page 36) An Invitation to Personal Peace

Try “free writing” or writing down
whatever comes to mind, without judgment.

You don’t have
to share it with anyone.

Isn't it amazing that a simple exercise while so small is so powerful.

And we're just getting started!

An Invitation to Personal Peace reveals the hidden secrets on using journals

to relieve depression, stress, and anxiety among a host of other things.

We give you step by step activities that will infuse peace in your day

instead of disturb it with one more to-do task.

Your body will thank you.

Wait a minute,

You do have the book right?

If not, I'll make it real easy for you to order. Just Click the book below .

How's that for peaceful?


Until next time,
This is your Destiny Doc Signing off.
Dr.Mike Davison

Wishing you peace in everything you do!

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Monday, June 11, 2007

Paris Hilton's Own Conversations with God "That's Hot"

Who said spirituality wasn't cool?

Think again.

Because Paris Hilton is
bringing Spirituality back (I couldn't resist).

The Pope, Mother Theresa, Paris Hilton???

In Case you haven't heard, On a telephone interview with Barbara Walters Paris Says:

"Now, I would like to make a difference. God has given me this new chance.I feel that the purpose of my life is to be where I am,Hilton told Walters. My spirit or soul did not like the way I was being seen and that is why I was sent to jail. God has released me."

Here is your Destiny Doc Prescription for today:

You don't need to be sent to jail to find God. Spirituality can be found right where you are.

All jokes aside, are you spiritually connected?

Have you always struggled with how to build a spiritual connection?

I've been right where you are.

Then one day I figured out how to define
spirituality for myself. This gave me freedom to be who I am and enjoy the journey.

Here's what made the difference: I defined my spiritual connection.

I discovered a simple step by step method that shows you exactly how
you can do the same thing.

In my new book, An Invitation to Personal Peace,
you will discover a specific Daily Practice in Chapter 8 that when completed will do much more than fill your spiritual tank but will give you an additional treasure.

Check out An Invitation to Personal Peace today and let me know how this activity
transforms your life: Emotionally,Spiritually and Physically.

Sending You Personal Peace with Purpose, Your Destiny Doc

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