Making meditation part of your everyday life
How can we turn the mundane chores of our daily lives into a form of meditation and be uplifted?
~Through practicing "mindfulness" -by focusing all our thoughts on what we are doing.
We can also experience a sense of spiritual enlightenment/uplift from appreciating the beauty of everything around us- as well as use meditative practices when trying to gage and understand our emotions, and we can introduce meditation techniques (such as mindfulness) into the ways in which we relate to others.
Here are a few ways in which we can bring meditation into the many aspects of our day-to-day lives:
~ Focus your mind and body completely on what you are doing at this moment- letting any distractions simply drift on by.
~ Live in the present moment as much as you can.
~ Try to see the beauty and worth in everything (and everyone) around you, as well as in everything you do- no matter how mundane.
~ Learn and try to use your "senses" to the full.
~ Develop self-awareness, and work with the connection between your emotional and physical self - noticing how certain breathing practices and posture/positions affect how you're feeling.
~ An everyday activity, such as eating - again, by taking the time to really be aware of and focus on your food and eating it- is a form of meditation that can make it more enjoyable and better on the digestive system!
Dr. Mike
"Your Destiny Doctor"
Labels: Dr. Mike Davison, meditation, mindfulness
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