Will You Accept the Invitation?
Will You Accept the Invitation?
By Dr.Mike Davison
Stop the merry-go-round! I want to get off! "I've learned that the more stressful and chaotic things are on the outside, the calmer you need to get on the inside." Oprah Winfrey
Do you agree that Oprah would know about chaos? Yet, one of the keys to her success is finding the calming force on the inside, in order to be her best self on the outside.
You may not be America's most loved talk show host, but your stress is just as real and just as important to being the best you can be.
Tell me if this sounds like you:
1. Do you go to bed exhausted and wake up the same way?
2. Do you long for just a moment of quiet time to take a break from your "crazy busy" world and relax without feeling guilty?
3. Do you feel that something is missing in your life, but you just can't put your finger on what it is?
If you said yes to any of the above questions, I invite you to keep reading, because this may be the most important letter you'll read today...
I know how you feel. I've been exactly where you are.It seemed as though breathing took up time from my day.
That's when I knew that something had to change. My two sons,daughter,and my wonderful wife deserved better.
I deserved better.
You deserve better!
Take this invitation to personal peace today and change your life like it changed my life and my family's life.
An Invitation to Personal Peace is my newly published Book written with Kay Guzder. We take you on a simple step by step journey on how to create the life that fulfills the core of you.
What I am asking you to do is order this life transforming book today by visiting http://www.aninvitationtopersonalpeace.com/products
In a few short days your book will arrive. In the meantime, sign up for The Invitation to Personal Peace Newsletter. It's specifically designed to help you find the quiet place within yourself this very moment. Get ready to thrive and be fully alive in your life.
If you are a serious seeker of inner peace and would like to expand your life to "be" and "live" your true desires without the struggle and stress, order this book today. You'll be thrilled you did.
One last thought:
If I am not for myself, who is for me? When I am for myself, what am I? If not now, when?- Hillel
Choose yourself today!
Copy and Paste the following web address in your web browser to
order "An Invitation to Personal Peace Today"
Dr. Mike Davison
Labels: Dr. Mike Davison, life purpose, Personal Peace